First Family RV Trip | 14 Days & 13 States | 2 Adults, 3 Teenage Boys, 2 Dogs...and a Blog.

Author: Kirby


After 14 days being stuck in one car with my family, I am now able to sleep in my own bed again. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family, but after that much time with just them 24/7, I need a break.

The trip was very fun. Would I recommend this trip? Yes I would. Would I recommend it to be 14 days? No something like this needs a lot longer to really appreciate. There was so much stuff we were not able to do since we had such a lack of time, so if you want to take a trip across the west and midwest, make sure you take at least a month off.

Almost done!

After countless days on the road we finally get a break from the car. We are staying in a hotel!!!! Real beds finally! The day before we were staying at Arches National Park and it was so pretty. There were rocks formed in all different shapes and sizes, caves and narrow passages ways, and our tour guide even played a saxophone for us as the sun set. And with Arches behind us we are now on our way back to Georgia. Only four more days to go!

Welcome to Texas!!

We left Louisiana pretty early in the morning, wanting to avoid the heat, but sadly, that didn’t really do much. The rv was like an oven the entire drive from Louisiana to Texas. The trip itself wasn’t too thrilling. I watched some tv and listened to some music, and that’s about it, But when we got to our destination, we had quiet an eventful evening.

We were planning to meet up with one of my mom’s teacher friends, named Ms. V. With Ms. V in tow, we saw the Alamo and went to eat dinner at the River Walk . The River walk was extremely beautiful, and they had some really good food there.

After we all ate, we said goodbyes to Ms. V and went back to our RV to sleep.